2008 TURKS Baseball Camp Dates Announced

03/17/2008 – Turk Tidbits

MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!! Parents, don’t let your little league player miss out on two great weeks of baseball, baseball, and more baseball fun at Veterans Memorial Stadium. Assistant Coaches Brandon Kitch and Scott Pate will be instructing our camps along with TURK players. Session I DATE: Monday, June 23-Friday, June 27 TIME: 9:00 – 12:00 COST: $75.00 AGES: 8-12 years old and 13-18 years old Session II DATE: Monday, July 7-Friday, July 11 TIME: 9:00 – 12:00 COST: $75.00 AGES: 8-12 years old and 13-18 years old Attend both camps for $140.00. $10.00 discount off price when more than one camper from the same family attend the camp. $10.00 discount for any camper that gets a brand new camper to sign up. You can print a registration form off of our Camp Page on our web site or contact Teresa Wease at Wease Auto Exchange for a registration form to be sent to you. You can reach Teresa by calling 434-5919 M-F 10-4 or e-mail her at turksbaseball@hotmail.com To secure your spot, mail a completed registration form and a $30.00 non-refundable deposit to: Harrisonburg TURKS 1489 South Main Street Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Private lessons with a TURKS player can also be arranged by contacting Bob Wease at Wease Auto Exchange 434-5919.