6/22/2006 – James Madison University News
James Madison University News Turks Tidbits Dudley Named to Communications Post HARRISONBURG, Va. – June 22, 2006 – Curt Dudley has been named assistant sports media relations director for electronic communications at James Madison University, effective June 26. Dudley has been an assistant sports media relations director at JMU since March, 1988. Dudley will oversee the management and development of the JMU Athletics Web site and its associated technologies and properties. He will coordinate the JMU/nTelos Sports Broadcasting Network and serve as a commentator. He will also be the department’s multi-media liaison in charge of providing audio and video services to media outlets and will manage athletics communication services for other JMU constituencies. Dudley began working in sports information as a freshman at Bridgewater College in 1979. Upon completing his bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1983, he remained at Bridgewater in the capacity of sports information director until joining the JMU staff as an assistant. He has been the sports information director for the Dukes’ baseball, volleyball, swimming, wrestling, men’s cross country and indoor track programs. Dudley was a substitute broadcast commentator up until 2000 and has since been a regular during JMU football and men’s basketball broadcasts, including the Dukes’ 2004 Division I-AA National Football Championship game. He is a member of the College Sports Information Directors of America, the Virginia Sports Information Directors and the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association. He also served from 1993 to 2005 as the Vice President for Public Relations in the Valley Baseball League and currently sits on the board of the Shenandoah Valley Athletic Club. Curt Dudley has also been a dedicated and invaluable presence with the Valley Baseball League and the Harrisonburg Turks baseball team. Dudley served as Vice President of Public Relations and League Statistician for the VBL from 1993-2005. He’s been the public address announcer for the Turks games since 1987. Turks owners, Bob and Teresa Wease, credit Dudley for his years of service with the Turks and the VBL. His commitment to promoting quality baseball for this area and helping do that in whatever way he can goes beyond the call. We’ve been very blessed to have Curt on our team roster! The Harrisonburg Turks congratulate Curt on his most deserving promotion.